By now, we’ve all watched the incredible and emotional match between Bayley and Sasha Banks for the NXT Women’s Championship. If you haven’t, we put the video of one of the biggest spots below, so click away now — and for Pete’s sake, go watch it!
Being there live, and feeling the intensity of the crowd, and just how invested they were in, let’s face it, the real main-event of the night, was something that I’m still finding difficult to put into words. That said, nobody there could deny that these two were giving it everything they had, and some spots seemed… a little more dangerous than they probably looked on TV.
Well, a fan-captured Instagram video of one of the biggest spots in the match has everyone realizing that, and subsequently freaking the eff out.
A lot of people were mad that Sasha didn’t play as big of a factor in the women’s match the next night at SummerSlam, with her seeing very little in-ring engagement before her team was eliminated, leaving Team PCB and Team Bella to duke it out. Sasha is one of the, if not the, most popular Divas in all of WWE right now, and even that rude as hell Brooklyn Raw crowd wanted to see her more than anyone else. Now that this video of Sasha nailing her head during Bayley’s inverted frankensteiner is making the rounds, people are starting to realize that maybe it wasn’t a creative decision to keep her in the background, and off of network TV:
There’s no official word on whether or not Banks is injured, or just a little sore and shook up, but this is the internet, so of course there’s rampant speculation. Either way, we just hope the Boss is okay. Neck injuries are terrifying, and she’s pretty much the best, so as soon as she can get back to feeling great and tapping out Divas left and right, the better it is for everyone.