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The Best And Worst Of WWE NXT 12/18/14: STALL OWENS STALL

Kevin Owens NXT


Pre-show notes:

- You can watch this week’s episode here.

- All of our NXT content can be found here. Make sure you’re keeping up with our retro recaps of NXT season 4 as well, with new reports going up on Friday afternoons.

- A big thank you to everyone who stopped me and said hi at Full Sail last Friday. It was great to meet people who actually read the column, and I hope I wasn’t too exhausted to make that clear. That never stops being a humbling, amazing experience. It sounds corny (especially from a wrestling blogger, of all people), but people giving a crap about what I do is really the only reason I do it. That, and money.

- With Spandex is on Twitter, so follow it. Follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook. You can also follow me on Twitter.

- Shares, likes, comments and other social media things are appreciated. Support the show between the live specials! These episodes are what make the live specials worth it.

Please click through for the Best and Worst of WWE NXT for December 18, 2014.

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