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For the past few weeks, various NXT stars have been been raising money for The Polar Plunge, a fundraiser for the Florida Special Olympics. Basically, fans pledged money and the NXT stars promised to run into a chilly pool at Sea World in Orlando (although I’m not sure how “polar” the water could possibly get in Florida).
NXT’s team was captained by Bayley, because of course it was, but it was Finn Balor who really went above and beyond in the fund raising effort, promising to wear his old spacesuit into the water if the NXT team surpassed $10,000 in pledges. If you don’t get the reference, well, in his former life as Prince Devitt, Balor used to be one half of an IWGP tag team called Apollo 55 with Ryusake Taguchi, and they sometimes wore spacesuits. Listen, it was Japan, don’t question it.
Anyways, here’s some pictures of Balor, Bayley and other NXT stars being goofs for a good cause…
Here’s a couple Vines of the Plungers hitting the drink and Mojo Rawley being a lucky bastard…
I’m a frail old man and could never actually do wrestling stuff, but sometimes I wish you I could just hang out in the NXT cool kids clubhouse.
via SB Nation & Wrestling Inc.